Senin, 14 Desember 2015


Cerita Lucu dalam bahasa Inggris dinamakan Spoof Text. Sudah pasti para sahabat dirumah sering mendengarkan cerita lucu atau spoof dalam bahasa Indoneseia, Lalu seperti apakah cerita lucu dalam bahasa Inggris? Sebenernya tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara Bahasa indonesia dan Bahasa Inggis. Akan tetapi buat teman-teman kita masih kekurangan kosa kata / vocabulary dalam Bahasa inggris Spoof text bisa jadi cerita yang tidak lucu alias garing karena tidak tahu artinya. Untuk itu saya beri contoh Spoof text beserta arti untuk memudahkan para sahabat untuk belajar memahami isi text. Berikut Penjelasan mengenai spoof text:

Definition of Spoof Text
Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.

Generic Structure of Spoof Text
1. Orientation; is a opening part which tells us the issue or the problem that will be solved or told in the story. Orientation gives us the important thing about the characters and their problems.
2. Events; parts where the story explained into paragraphs that linked each other. Events are not limited into one or two scene or act. Events also adds more specific problems that happened, explains how the problems raise, and the dilema.
3. Twist; will be explained in the next page. Twist can only be found in spoof texts.

Language Feature of Spoof
1. Focusing on people, animals or certain things.
2. Using action verb; ate, ran, etc.
3. Using adverb of time and place.
4. Told in chronological order.
Di bawah ini Link yang wajib sahabat downloadt, penjelasan tentang Spoof Text beserta Quiz yang harus sahabat jawab untuk mengetahui pemahaman sahabat.
Silahkan klik link di bawah ini !


(By Endang Khoiriyah/13020230041)

Bahan yang diperlukan dalam membuat Scrabble :
1.      Kertas manila warna biru tua untuk papan Scrabble-nya
2.      Kertas manila warna biru, kuning, orange, merah, putih (atau sesuai keinginanmu)
3.      Gunting
4.      Lem
5.      Pensil
6.      Penggaris
Langkah-langkah pembuatan :
1.      Gambarlah pola persegi dengan pensil dan penggaris berukuran 2mx2cm pada kertas untuk papan Scrabble sejumlah 225 persegi (lebar 15 persegi dan tingginya juga 15 persegi).
2.      Gunting kecil-kecil kertas warna biru, kuning, orange, merah dengan ukuran 2cmx2cm.
3.      Tulislah poin-poin di kertas persegi warna-warni yang telah kamu buat tadi dengan Triple Word Score (), Triple Letter Score (), Double Word Score (), dan Double Letter Score ().
4.      Rekatkan poin-poin tadi sesuai dengan gambar di bawah ini.

5.      Setelah papannya berhasil dibuat, sekarang kita akan membuat kepingan alphabet atau sebut saja dengan “Tiles” untuk dijalankan di papan Scrabble.
6.      Gunting sesuai selera kepingan alphabet (yang penting jangan kekecilan dan jangan melebihi kotak-kotak pada papan)
7.      Contohnya seperti di bawah ini.

8.      Nah, papan dan Tiles-nya sudah berhasil dibuat. Kamu bisa menghias bagian sisi papan yang tersisa sesuai yang kamu inginkan biar lebih menarik.
9.      Scrabble pun siap untuk dimainkan
Aturan permainan Scrabble :
1.      Permainan ini dimainkan oleh dua sampai empat orang pemain.
2.      Permainan dimulai dengan pembagian Tiles secara acak kepada pemain, masing-masing  7 Tiles.
3.      Kemudian pemain memulai permainan dengan membuat sebuah kata yang salah satu hurufnya menyentuh kotak bertanda “Go” yang terdapat di tengah-tengah papan.
4.      Seorang pemain mengumpulkan poin dengan menempatkan kata-kata di papan permainan.
5.      Setiap huruf pada Tiles memiliki nilai yang berbeda. Ada dua Tiles kosong, Tiles ini berfungsi sebagai Joker untuk membantu mempermudah pembentukan kata. Tiles kosong ini bisa digunakan sebagai huruf apa saja.
6.      Beberapa kotak pada papan Scrabble mempunyai nilai kelipatan. Jika Tiles ditempatkan di kotak ini, maka nilai huruf pada Tiles tersebut dikalikan sesuai nilai kelipatan pada kotak di papan. Contohnya : Triple Word Score, Triple Letter Score, Double Word Score, dan Double Letter Score.
7.      Eits,.. di dalam permainan ini dilarang buka kamus yaaa @_^
8.      Selamat belajar menambah kosakata dengan permainan yang sangat menarik : SCRABBLE^^

Contoh Critical Review Sebuah Novel

Critical Review
of Color Love Blue
By Diana Blayne in
 A Candlelight Ecstasy Supreme Series

               Blue Color Love novel was written by Diana Blayne. The genre used in this novel is a romance. This novel was published by Dell Publishing Co. , Inc., with ISBN : 0-440-11341-5, published in 1984, with 286 pages. This novel tells the story of the romance between Jolana Shannon with Domenico Scarpelli and a third person; Margery Simon and Phillipe de Carlo. This story tells a longer and exciting for enthusiasts of literature romance, filled with passion, adventure, and intrigue. In this novel, Diana Blayne motivated involve the reader in intrigue and romance tragedy, and the writing is not too caught up in the aesthetic dimension, so the story is channeled to the reader with a very good.
Jolana Shannon was a beautiful girl. She became an artist, exactly painter. She was from South Georgia and she had lived in New York for long time so, she looked alike country girl. When she walked, suddenly she bumped into someone but, she didn’t fall because there were two large hands caught and held her.
When she was in apartment, she remembered that she lost her purse and she couldn’t remember where her purse was. So, she asked the doorman but, the doorman hadn’t seen her carrying her purse. Not for a while, there was a guy who had found her purse. The guy was the same with the guy who had caught her when she bumped into him and she taught that guy was a robber.
The next day, she brought the painting which wrapped up in brown paper. She would give it to the owner. The owner was Tony Henning. Tony was a person who had arranged Jolana’s show and he would give the painting to Nick. Nick was Tony’s cousin. Several hours later, she was admitted to Tony’s elegant apartment and in that place she met Tony’s cousin, Nick. His name was Domenico Scarpelli. The same guy who had found her purse.
Jolana was felt uncomfortable and she wanted to leave a party but, suddenly Nick took her arm firmly and guided her past Tony’s stunned face into what was obviously a bedroom. In that room, Nick asked a favor to Jolana. Next Friday night there was a party in Manhattan. Nick asked Jolana to go with her in that party.
Friday morning, Jolana delivered her paintings to Tony. He exclaimed it that they are beautiful creatures dan especially. At that moment, when she walked slowly back to the apartment, Italian took her to the party. She confused about what to wear. At last, she dressed for most formal. She added white accessories and the effect was dynamite. She seen so beautiful meanwhile Nick, he was wearing dark evening clothes, which made him look darker than ever. Jolana’s life was complicated enough, and she remembered all too well the risk of getting involved with a man. She looks so frightened of Nick.
            The door opened and tiny, dark woman embraced the big man while Jolana tried to get her breath and her composure back, all at once. A long, rapid-fire exchange in Italian followed the greeting, and the little woman turned to Jolana and smiled widely. Nick’s mother introduced herself to Jolana in accented English. Nick introduced Jolana as his girl. Nick’s mother suggested that Nick to introduce her around of apartment. There was a gorgeous brunette came forward her soulful black eyes searched his for a long moment and she smiled faintly as her eyes went to Jolana. She lived next door of Nick’s room with her husband, Andrew. She was Margery Simon.
            In the party, the family party exactly, Jolana have a lot of chatted with Margery. She told to Jolana about her marriage. She married with the wrong man ten years ago. She have been living with her mistake ever since. Her husband was user of drug.
Nick expected to Jolana foe execution. Jolana tried to escape on the way up to her apartement, but he was strong and she wanted and made conversation with him. She thought that he was arrogant but he thought that he was very perceptive by making a properous business of blackmailing people. So, he begin to show the beauty of lady. He interested. He asked more to her. Before she came to New York she was a prostitute and on the side she painted. Afterward, she told about her mother but she didn’t tell her father. She didn’t want to tell more, she just want to show her paintings to the world.  Apparently, the man was scout’s honor for one week. He begin to tempted her but she refused it. Then he came back.
Nick bothered her. He was the kind of man she usually avoided like the plague, because that kind brought back memories she could hardly bear. She was afraid of Nick and not solely because he was such a mountain of man, and so strong. When he had pulled her body against his she had felt the oddest, most terrifying sensations. She knew that he was the real reason she had never gotten serious about any man
In the next party, Jolana did not know anyone except Margery and Andrew. She was uneasy to recognize with others, but Nick was attentive with her. When every couple got a dance, Margery tried to finagle Nick to dance together and they disappeared. Jolana just standed at punch bowl, there was Andrew beside her and they started their conversation. They talked about Nick, Andrew told her that he knew Nick since they was teenagers, he took away Margery from Nick. Although Margery was him, Nick still gave concern to her until now. Suddenly Nick came to them and they stopped talking about him. Nick tugged Jolana onto the dance floor. They became closer in a dance. There were not many words throughout but their eyes were looking each other. It made Jolana sure that she fell in love with Nick. Jolana could not hold back her feeling, immediately she asked him to come home with her and she would give everything that he needed. Her statement made Nick surprised. She hoped by gave him everything, counted her body, Nick could fall in love and was hers forever. Quietly, he received her statement. She got pleading a splitting headache to Nick's mother and they went out from the party. Without thinking again, Jolana gave all of hers to Nick, she allowed her body to him, and hopefully he belonged to hers. Nick promised her to live together; it meant he wanted to marry with her. Jolana was very happy heard his statement. And their intimacy had to done because Nick must go back to her apartment.
In the afternoon, Jolana waited Nick to come, send massage, or call her, but there was no word. She called Nick's office by phone, but the officer said that he did not come to the office because of a family problem. Expected there was something happened with his mother, and then she called his apartment. She was really surprised when she heard the voice of person who received her called, that was Margary's voice. Jolana put down her phone and started to cry. She was very sad and disappointed with Nick.
In that night, after he went out from Jolana's apartment, he went back to his apartment because Margery waited for him with her son, Tommy. She told him that her husband - Andrew chased out them, because he supposed that she never loved him and only cared for Nick and there was no place else to she go. After Nick settled them, he went out to a long walk. Now he was very confused, there were two women who came into his life. So he decided to tell Jolana the truth.
Jolana broken heart of Nick, she went to Paris to leave all about Nick. She met her friend was Maureen. Maureen had a brother named Phillipe. Phillipe and Jolana were going home after dinner at Maureen’s house. On the way, Phillipe proposed Jolana to marry him again and she refused it again. Because Jolana couldn’t love him and she just thought of Nick. But, Phillipe was not an easy man. He proposed and made sure that Jolana could happy if she married him. Jolana thought it again, if she married Phillipe, she could have a perfect wedding that she could never had if she married Nick. After thinking of it, Jolana accepted Phillipe to become her husband. In the next day, Jolana and Maureen were watching race. There was Phillipe with his Ferrari in that race. During the race Jolana told Maureen that Phillipe and her will married soon. And after the racing they were going to shop for the outfit.
Jolana and Phillipe were married in a small church overlooking the Mediterranean. The witnesses were just a few of Maureen and Phillipe’s closest friends. When she looked the ring, she said good-bye to Nick and she decided to be a good and perfect wife for Phillipe. For their honeymoon, Phillipe took Jolana to the Caribbean to a small French island where the temperature was warm and skies were blue. Phillipe and Jolana were making love in the beach.
Jolana had thought she knew Phillipe very well until they married. But as the days went by, she began to wonder  if she’d really ever know Phillipe at all. When they came in from the Casino back in Monte Carlo, Jolana was so many ask to her husband about his bad behaviour. Jolana didn’t like if Phillipe still had behaviour of gambling, because he threw away every penny they have. But, phillipe argued that the money was his mine and Maureen’s. This is predicament of Jolana. Jolana thought she’ll go back to painting and make own money. Phillipe made a play for Jolana, so that she became calm down. Jolana’s heart back calm and they back very close. They have kissing each other, finally Phillipe carried her to bed.
Beside the loneliness, she was feeling worse. The morning were beginning, she awoke with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was tired all the time. She thought she was pregnant already. When it was confirmed that she was pregnant, then she’d tell Phillipe about that. She hoped he’d be as happy about it as she felt.
At the moment, Jolana told to Phillipe that she was pregnant, but she haven’t seen the doctor yet. She was afraid if Phillipe was not receive her about the child. Phillipe said to Jolana that he very disposed a child. But, she had a suspicion that something was very wrong. She strated to ask him, then he abruptly changed the topic. Jolana told to Maureen about Maureen will make a lovely aunt directly. Maureen was happy to hear that.
Some of these time, Phillipe confused about his wife. He knew the child could not possibly be his. The finest doctors in Europe  had been able to give him no hope that he would ever father a child. He was hopelessly sterile. Besides, he hoped that the future will be very good indeed.
In the long journey Jolana felt queasy because of her pregnancy. Nick frequently stopped his car to overcome the nausea. Maureen as Jolana's sister in law was also solicitous with her. That situation to be harder when Phillips refused to stop the race despite Jolana pleased. Her feeling fulled of apprehension. All too soon, they arrived and seated on the benches waiting for the signal that would start the race. Maureen told Jolana that the Phillip's car was number nine. They waved their arms to him and he waved back his arm.
The engines sounded louder now, the race had begun. Jolana worried that something happened to Phillips, she kept thinking that he had to stop the race, but he couldn't. Suddenly, there was a car spun out, it twisted around right into the path of number nine-Phillips. Jolana stopped breathing, she saw directly that Phillip's car was hit by another car. The situation became terrible, flame exploded and woman's voice screamed, so was her. Jolana and Maureen tried to go toward the racetrack, but the guards stopped them. Nick was beside Jolana tried to make her calm down. Nick knew there was not the slightest hope, because the flames were under control and the door could not open. Maureen whispered to Jolana that Phillips was dead. Jolana could not speak any word.
The next few hours, they got information that Phillipe could not help and died. Now, Maureen had Pierre to comfort her and Jolana had Nick. Nick took her to the doctor to examine her. Nick always took care of her and never left her alone. When she woke up at that night, she began to blame herself for something happened to Philllipe that made him died, but Nick made her sure that it was naturally divine decree and he gave her advice to keep a baby into her womb. Finally Jolana was calm down and began to sleep. After that Jolana, Nick, Maureen and Pierre prepared to leave for Toulouse, the place for delaying the ceremony. When Jolana stepped out the door, there are some reporters who ask some information about Phillips. They asked about Phillipe's gambling debts and who was people that would pay his debts. Without answered and commented, Nick brought Jolana into the car. Jolana looked very shock because she did not know anything about Phillipe's debts, it was the same with Maureen as Phillipe's sister.They must allow their house (Phillipe's house) to pay Phillipe's debts. Nick always gave them support and promise to help them, now he just wanted focus to baby into Jolana's womb.
In the next few days, Maureen and Pierre were married and they got ready to fly off to Spain for a honeymoon. Afterward, Nick took Jolana back to her small hotel room. He could not leave Jolana lived alone in that place, so he asked her to come back to America with him. Jolana refused his permission, but Nick forced her continuely. He tried to make her sure that he wanted Jolana and her baby too. Nick still loved Jolana, he accepted her how the way she was with her condition and status "widow". Jolana could not believe with him again after he had ever made her disappointed. Jolana did not want that incident would repeat again. But Nick promised to her that he would keep her and really wanted to marry her. He offered her to live together, Jolana started to believe him and she would think about his treatment, but she did not promise. She began to pack and agreed to go with Nick, even though in her mind it just for the baby's shake not for Nick.
               Novel entitled Love Blue Color is a literature that is packaged in an atmosphere of romance, in which there are words that are very mature yet. By novelist Diana Blayne the Candlelight Ecstasy Supreme series is similar to the works of novelist example Diana Palmer ( Harlequin ) and Sidney Sheldon novels in the series are also filled with intrigue adult romance. It is different with the novel of Indonesian who prefer the example of struggle to reach a dream, but it is also not out of a romance. But the romance here is the love of young people who are not too full of intrigues maturity.
               Characterizations in this novel includes quite as strong as the contradictions in the figures Jolana and Nick who is the main character in this novel. Contradictions sparked of change in such characterizations that are served from Nick figures that had left Jolana after their love story at the time and eventually Nick was sorry, and came back to the love of Jolana again. Here could mean that the character Nick is a lot through several types of characterizations that could change because the two women he loves. This statement makes Nick figures become confused, to whom he had anchored his love. Meanwhile, Phillip characterizations, Margery, and other figures are very weak, there is no change of character in it. Even though, this novel presents the flow of maturity, but the story is packed good by Diana Blayne. For a novel that no changes in his characters is a novel flat. And will be very easy to guess that by the end of the novel the reader. And readers would be very reluctant to read it until the end.
               The novel titled Color Love Blue is a novel written by working hard to show the uniqueness 
and tried to pull the reader in a love story that is extraordinary. Diana Blayne talked about how difficult
the life of a woman who had a hobby of painting, which was determined to exhibit the paintings to the
world. This novel also presents the struggle of an Italian’s love for a woman of Georgia who has 
married another man, who eventually he returned to his first love after the death of her husband. And
the final word, this novel titled Color Love Blue, I recommend for ages 17+ to read it, because it contains
a lot of intrigue romance very mature . And moral values ​​was also rarely seen in this novel.